365 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the History of Marriage Strategies in Indo-European–Speaking Societies: Monogamy and Polygyny

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    Explanations for the emergence of monogamous marriage have focused on the cross-cultural distribution of marriage strategies, thus failing to account for their history. In this paper I reconstruct the pattern of change in marriage strategies in the history of societies speaking Indo-European languages, using cross-cultural data in the systematic and explicitly historical framework afforded by the phylogenetic comparative approach. The analysis provides evidence in support of Proto-Indo-European monogamy, and that this pattern may have extended back to Proto-Indo- Hittite. These reconstructions push the origin of monogamous marriage into prehistory, well beyond the earliest instances documented in the historical record; this, in turn, challenges notions that the cross-cultural distribution of monogamous marriage reflects features of social organization typically associated with Eurasian societies, and with “societal complexity” and “modernization” more generally. I discuss implications of these findings in the context of the archaeological and genetic evidence on prehistoric social organization. Pay-Per-View Download To access this article as a PDF pay-per-view download via BioOne, please click here

    Supporting Information: Reconstructing the History of Marriage and Residence Strategies in Indo-European-Speaking Societies

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    This file provides additional information on the data and methods used in Fortunato (2011a,b), and discussion of the results of the fossilization of nodes Proto-Indo-Hittite (PIH) and Proto-Indo-European (PIE) for marriage and residence strategies

    Cacao agroforestry systems do not increase pest and disease incidence compared with monocultures under good cultural management practices

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    Pests and diseases threaten cacao production worldwide. Agroforestry systems are traditionally seen by farmers as one of the causes of increased pest and disease incidence, in contrast with full-sun monocultures. Cultural management practices - e.g. regular tree pruning, frequent pod harvest, regular removal of infested pods, weed management - have been reported to be crucial for pest and disease management. We performed two experiments for the purpose of assessing the effect of (i) different cacao production systems, and (ii) the frequency of harvest and removal of infested pods on the incidence of pests and diseases and on the cacao yield. The first experiment was performed in a long-term system comparison trial in Bolivia, where data on pest and disease incidence were recorded for three years in five production systems: two monocultures and two agroforestry system under organic and conventional farming, and one successional agroforestry system, i.e. a high tree density multi-strata system. Pest and disease management did not differ between systems and relied on cultural management practices. Overall, the incidence of pests and diseases did not differ between production systems, which indicated they were not the driver of yield differences between them. Across production systems, only 14% of the pods were affected by pests and diseases; 70% of these were affected by frosty pod rot. More than 80% of the pods infected by frosty pod rot were removed before the sporulation phase. In the second experiment, the effects of the frequency of harvest and removal of infected pods - every 15 days versus every 25 days - on pest and disease incidence and yield were tested in four farmers’ fields. Fortnightly harvest and diseased pod removal significantly decreased disease incidence and increased cacao yield, by 25% and 46% respectively. Our results show that cacao agroforestry systems do not increase pest and disease incidence compared with monocultures when good cultural management practices are implemented, which, in turn, can increase the productivity of the cacao plantations

    Oil incorporation in foamable mixtures of phospholipids and surfactants

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.O presente trabalho tem por base o estudo de espumas potencialmente medicamentosas, obtidas a partir de emulsões que incorporem na sua constituiçãoóleos, fosfolípidos e os tensioativos adequados para obter uma espuma estável e com uma estrutura satisfatória do ponto de vista técnico. As formulações estudadas neste trabalho, não contêm substância ativa. O objetivo édesenvolver uma espuma formada a partir de uma emulsão contendo um óleo compolaridade variável que seja adequada para veicular uma substância ativa com ação a nível cutâneo. Por exemplo, corticosteroides para o tratamento da psoríase. As espumas têm interesse a nível farmacêutico devido à comodidade da sua utilização. Permitem uma administração eficaz em zonas de difícil acesso, como a raiz capilar, e, portanto, ajudam à promoção da adesão à terapêutica. Neste estudo foram desenvolvidas 72 formulações. Todas elas têm por base emulsões em que a fase oleosa inclui um dos seguintes óleos: triglicéridos de cadeia média, parafina líquida ou óleo de rícino, em concentrações de 10 ou 20%. O óleo é disperso em misturas aquosas de fosfolípidos e tensioativos que possuem capacidade de formar espuma. Capacidade previamente comprovada através de um método utilizado, também neste trabalho, para avaliar a formação e a estabilidade das espumas denominado “screening method”, em que três colunas graduadas são dispostas lado a lado. A emulsão que dá origem à espuma é introduzida dentro das colunas e o ar é impulsionado a partir da base das colunas através de um filtro em forma de disco, dispersando-se assim na emulsão. As espumas foram avaliadas e classificadas segundo: a sua capacidade de serem ou não produzidas; a sua estrutura inicial e ao longo de todo o tempo da experiência; e segundo a sua altura em relação ao líquido. As emulsões que dão origem às espumas foram também avaliadas em relação à sua estabilidade. As que mesmo sendo capazes de produzir uma espuma com uma boa estrutura, se não apresentassem estabilidade, não eram consideradas formulações adequadas. Com os resultados foi possível concluir que o óleo de rícino não é adequado nestas formulações e que os demais componentes são determinantes no seu comportamento.The present work is based on the study of potentially medicated foams, obtained from emulsions that are constituted of oils, phospholipids and the appropriate surfactants in order to produce stable foams, with a technically satisfactory structure. The studied formulations do not contain an active substance. The objective of the investigation is to develop a foam obtained from an emulsion in which the oil phase can have variable polarity depending on the oil used. This emulsion must be adequate to vehiculate an active substance that acts on the skin. For example, corticosteroids for the treatment of psoriasis. Foams are of pharmaceutical interest because of the commodity of their utilization. They allow the efficient administration in areas of difficult access, such as the scalp, and therefore they promote patient adhesion to therapy. In this study, 72 formulations were developed. Each one of them is based on an emulsion in which the oil phase includes one of the following oils: medium chain triglycerides, liquid paraffin or castor oil, in concentrations of either 10 or 20%. The oil is dispersed in aqueous mixtures of phospholipid and surfactants which are known to be capable of producing a foam, this was previously demonstrated using a method also applied in this work to evaluate the foamability and the foam structure called "screening method" in which three graduated columns are arranged side by side. The emulsion that gives rise to the foam is introduced into the columns and the air is driven from the base of the columns through a disc-shaped filter, thus dispersing into the emulsion. The foams were evaluated and classified according to: their ability to be produced; their initial structure and over the time of the experiment; and their height in relation to the liquid. The emulsions that give rise to the foams were also evaluated according to their stability. Those that, even though they were able to produce a foam with a good structure, if they were not stable, they were not considered adequate formulations. With the results it was possible to conclude that castor oil is not suitable in these formulations and that the other components are determinant in their behavior

    Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition

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    This work proposes a methodological approach that analyses and interprets data resulting from cultural events fruition, in order to obtain information useful to improve cultural events management and encourage the cooperation between the different stakeholders involved. The methodology, based on geostatistics and text analytics techniques, has been proposed and applied to a real case study: the Italian folk music festival ‘La Notte della Taranta’. In particular, text analytics techniques, like semantic and sentiment analysis, integrated with spatial analysis techniques, allowed identifying sentiment score spatial variation and locating geographical area characterised by negative or positive average sentiment score, in order to understand the impact of a cultural event on the local territory. The particular structure of the event (itinerant) and the Salento territory where it is rooted, an area rich in traditions and folklore, make this festival an appropriate use case for the approach proposed

    Detection of gene communities in multi-networks reveals cancer drivers

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    We propose a new multi-network-based strategy to integrate different layers of genomic information and use them in a coordinate way to identify driving cancer genes. The multi-networks that we consider combine transcription factor co-targeting, microRNA co-targeting, protein-protein interaction and gene co-expression networks. The rationale behind this choice is that gene co-expression and protein-protein interactions require a tight coregulation of the partners and that such a fine tuned regulation can be obtained only combining both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional layers of regulation. To extract the relevant biological information from the multi-network we studied its partition into communities. To this end we applied a consensus clustering algorithm based on state of art community detection methods. Even if our procedure is valid in principle for any pathology in this work we concentrate on gastric, lung, pancreas and colorectal cancer and identified from the enrichment analysis of the multi-network communities a set of candidate driver cancer genes. Some of them were already known oncogenes while a few are new. The combination of the different layers of information allowed us to extract from the multi-network indications on the regulatory pattern and functional role of both the already known and the new candidate driver genes.Comment: minor modification

    On the footprints of a Yachaq. The formation of an ethnodoctor among the Amsta Chullpa of the north of Potosí, Bolivia (1979 -2019)

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    El presente artículo es resultado de mi convivencia entre los amsta chullpa (chullpa de arriba) de la Provincia Charcas, Potosí, Bolivia. Asimismo, forma parte de mi itinerario como discípulo por más de cuatro décadas de mis maestros chullpas. En la era delos incas, hombres del sol, los chullpaspasaron a ser considerados hombres del pasado. Durante la conquista y la colonia, fueronllamados ñawpa runa, wari runay gintil(gente de antaño). Durante este periodo los chullpas se embarcaron por las sendas de la invisibilidad.El tema que aborda este artículoes poco estudiado: pretendemos visibilizar la etnomedicina chullpa, la clasificación de sus practicantes, y el proceso de formación y preparación por etapas del nuevo yachaq(`el que sabee¿) entre los amsta chullpa del norte de PotosíThis article is the result of my life among the Amsta Chullpa (Upper Chullpa) of CharcasProvince, Potosí, Bolivia. It is part of my itinerary as a disciple for more than four decades of the Chullpa and Kallawaya Ethnomedical Masters. In the era of the sun people, or Incas, the Chullpas were considered people of the past. During the Spanish conquest and the colonial period, they were called ñawpa runa, wari runaand gintil. During this period, they embarked on the paths of invisibility, the little that remains is immersed within their culture to persist in time. The subject we address in this paper is littlestudied. We intend to make visible the Chullpas¿ ethnomedicine, the classification of its specialists, and the process of formation and preparation by stages of the new ethnic doctor within the Amsta Chullpa of North PotosíUniversidad Pablo de Olavid

    Por las huellas del Yachaq. (La etnomedicina Chullpa, desde la memoria de los etnomédicos entre 1979-2019)

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    Programa de Doctorado en Historia y Estudios Humanísticos: Europa, América, Arte y LenguasLínea de Investigación: Sociedad, Cultura y Economía Colonial y Republicana en la Historia de América LatinaClave Programa: DHHCódigo Línea: 77El presente trabajo es el primer estudio de la memoria oral de la etnomedicina realizado desde el círculo de los etnomédicos Chullpa-kallawaya. Precisamos sus conocimientos, saberes y prácticas etnomédicas. Nuestro objeto de estudio es la etnomedicina desde el círculo de los etnomédicos; tenemos la intención de estudiar y narrar los conocimientos, saberes y prácticas etnomédicas desde los hechos etnohistóricos. Nuestra premisa central de la tesis se coloca entonces en la etnohistoria de la etnomedicina Chullpa, en particular en los conocimientos, saberes y prácticas etnomédicas de los últimos etnomédicos, los cuales se embarcan hacia el camino del desvanecimiento en el tiempo de sus saberes, junto con los decesos de sus experimentados etnomédicos, por lo cual se requiere de estudios urgentes para documentar la etnohistoria etnomédica de los etnomédicos Chullpas antes de su completa desaparición. El trabajo inicia por el Capítulo I, en ella se presenta a los chullpas, el territorio y la tierra, la agricultura y pecuaria, la organización social, autoridades y justicia, la tasa a las tierras, los textiles, la música y baile, las lenguas y la etnomedicina y etnomédicos. A continuación, se presenta el Capítulo II, donde se analiza la etnohistoria y los etnomédicos, la formación del etnomédico Chullpa y la clasificación de los etnomédicos. El Capítulo III trata sobre la convivencia, mirada desde los etnomédicos. En el Capítulo IV se aborda el cuerpo y el lajayu de la especie humana desde los etnomédicos, la anatomía humana, la lectura del cuerpo, la muerte, entre la tristeza y la alegría. En el capítulo V se presenta la etnoalimentación, seguidamente la clasificación de los alimentos, la transformación de alimentos y la gastronomía chullpa. En el Capítulo VI se presenta la etnofarmacología, iniciando por las etnofarmacología general, etnofarmacología del cuerpo, etnofarmacología externa, etnofarmacología interna, etnofarmacología del ajayu, etnofarmacología de las emociones y etnofarmacología de las energías. En el Capítulo VII se analizan las enfermedades del cuerpo, las enfermedades climáticas, las enfermedades referentes a las medicinas y alimentación, las enfermedades del cuerpo y los órganos. En el Capítulo VIII se estudian las enfermedades del ajayu, clasificación de las enfermedades del ajayu, enfermedades emocionales, enfermedades energéticas. El Capítulo IX se muestra la etnomedicación del cuerpo, diagnostico, preparación de medicamentos, administración de medicamentos. En el Capítulo X se aborda la etnomedicación de ajayu, diagnostico, akulliku y ch¿alla, preparación de medicamentos, proceso de medicación. Y finalmente en el último Capítulo XI, se presenta la etnocomunicación, el etnomédico como médium, la etnocomunicación etnonomédica y en su parte final se presentan las lenguas del etnomédico. Esta tesis pretende ser un aporte a la memoria de las etnias del Gran Awiya Yala en la tierra Chullpa. Asimismo, servirá para generar futuras investigaciones sobre la etnohistoria de la etnomedicina.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Filosofí